I have not been n very good at updating the past few months. Here is a quick update.
1. We decided NOT to move to Montana. There is no Paul Mitchell for Cassidy to attend.
2. I have a fun new job. I have a friend who owns a dog bakery and I am her baker. I get to make all kinds of fun cookies and treats for dogs. it is so fun and I really like it.
3. We have discovered Brady has a talent as an artist. I am amazed at how easily he can draw something. The kids talents are truly endless.
4. Cassidy has decided to stay in Las Vegas to go to hair school ( Paul Mitchell). I am glad. I was not ready for her to move out just yet
5. Taylor always amazes me. She works so hard in school and always carries more credits then anyone should. On top of that, she runs 3 miles a day and still volunteers in the Mentor program in Logan. She mentored the same little girl for a couple of years. What a lucky little girl.
6. Scott has finished his first semester of law school at the University of Oregon. He is so excited and loves every second of it he has told me.
7. The biggest news is… Scott and Jen are engaged. He popped the big question at Disneyland in front of the castle while we were all there, It was exciting ( and pouring rain). We are all SOOOO excited to have Jen in the family this May.
that is pretty much the big stuff going on right now. I hope this new year will be filled with new wonderful things. 2010 was filled with so much sadness we could all use some happy now. Happy new year everyone…enjoy the pictures!