Living the life you dream of


So after being in bed for a week straight with some type of flue ( I will not admit to swine flu) I thought I was finally going to get out of the house…WRONG! Cassidy woke up yesterday morning with Strep. I did not know what it was at the time but her breathing seemed weird, as well as her coloring and she was whimpering in pain. I decided to take her to the doctor so that she would be feeling better by today ( HER BIRTHDAY). After doing a strep test, I mentioned to the doctor that she had complained that her heart was racing. After examining her, we were told the strep had moved into her heart. We were placed on house quarantine, due to the highly contagious nature of the strep. She was having trouble breathing and swallowing her own saliva. If it got even the slightest bit worse, she was to go right to the hospital to be admitted. She is doing a little better today, still looks terrible but seems to be a little more lucid. Not a fun way to spend her 17th birthday! The women from church as so sweet and are bringing us dinner tonight. It is a small gesture that means soooo much to me right now!! To all of you who know Cassidy’s medical history…this is typical of what happens to her. BLAH! Keep her in your prayers!

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