Living the life you dream of


I have come to realize that in the last 6 weeks or so, I have been so sad, no negative and feeling quite angry that I have far from a perfect life. I compare everything to my past..I was married to a great man, with 4 great kids, a beautiful home, amazing friends, great sisters, a brother I love, 2 living healthy parents. I was living the American Dream…things change. Time goes by, people change, friends move, family grows apart, parents die..marriages end. But As the name of my blog states…LIFE GOES ON. It is time for me to see that good I have and start living life in the best way that I can. I need to be an example to my children, that they can see that sometimes from the darkest times, good things can come and the sun really will rise and hearts heal. So…I have many things to be thankful for but here are 10 that I feel I should share.

10. I have friends. They may not be the ones that I have had my whole life and many are new in my life but they are good, and loyal people and I expect to have them in my life for a very long time. Alexis, Christy, Michelle, Matt J. , Arlene…I love you all.

9. My house. I need to think about how lucky I am to have a home and I love the one I have. It is not palatial but it is fine for the 3 of us and for now.

8. Laughter. I forget about it sometimes, but it is there deep inside and I plan on using it a lot more often.

7. My cell phone. It keeps me connected to my friends and I am so glad I have it. It is something we all take for granted but it sure makes life easier.

6. The friends of my children. I know that they all have great people in their lives, that are amazing examples to them. I know so many people who worry about their children’s friends. I never have to. And even the ex bf that might not know it but I am thankful for you Cody and the example you have been to everyone, most of all Brady who looks up to you.still. We miss you.

5. A man who actually put hope back into my heart. It is a VERY new friendship but even with it’s newness I feel hope and this has made me feel very hopeful that I can find happiness again.

4. Church. I may not always show the people that know me well how much it means to me, but I have found in the past month that that is where I turn when I feel like I need a hand in this.

3. My sisters, my children and my brother. I love them and it is a solid reassurance that no matter what, we are here for one another and I love them so much.

2. My mom. I am so sad to see her slowly suffer more and more each day. I would trade places with her if I could. I hope she knows how much I love and admire her.

1. Me. I am who I am..and it is because of the blessings in my life. I will never regret who I am again. I will move on and learn from my past. I will try not to make the same mistakes again..and I will grow from the pain and the darkness. This is MY life and I have the right to live it, and to be happy again.

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