Brady catches the snakes.
arival of the sandbags…first of 3 loads
getting ready to sandbag
our new house
So much has happened since we moved to Logan. First off, we pull up with a truck full of things and all of a sudden there are so many people helping I am almost in tears. They all were neighbors or friends of my son Scott. It was really moving. We had a HUGE moving truck unloaded in 30 minutes. Later that night the people across the street brought us over a delicious dinner of ribs and baked potatoes. They cook out on their fire pit every weekend. It was amazing 🙂
The next few days were spent unpacking and making the house our home. I have loved it. It looks so pretty. Things changed during the week, the river in my yard is the Blacksmith Fork River. The snow pack on the mountains was 180% and the warm days made the snow melt quicker than usual. The river was flooding. We spend a good part of the weekend sandbagging with the neighbors and trying to protect the houses. Sunday morning about 945 the water cam up through the sewers and flooded the street. Some people had 4 feet of water in their basements. Thankfully we had none. It was a miracle because I am RIGHT on the river. The fire department came and evacuated the whole subdivision. Later in the day we were allowed back home. Some people have a lot of damage. It is so sad. I escaped it so far. I was up most of the night last night , talking to people outside and watching to make sure it is not going to come over the bank.
I love Logan…even with the snakes and the flood and all of the things I am not used to. I feel such a feeling of community here. I feel like I have a LIFE here already. People care about us and each other. I feel that this is without question the place for me to be right now. It feels like home.