Living the life you dream of

  • Life and Stuff

    So as always, this will be a post of ramblings. It has been close to a year since I last posted. A year with so many changes. I became a Grandmother this year. The love I have for my granddaughter is different than other loves I have. I look at her and see so much…

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  • The ramblling of my thoughts

    I do a lot of thinking…I wish I didn’t. I was driving today and had random thoughts running through my head. I wondered why it is my ex-husband dislikes me so much. We were married for 23 years and although not a lot of it was good (obviously since we are divorced) a lot of…

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    So I have been reading back to the start of this blog. I see so much sadness in my heart. It makes me sad to read it. I have so many wonderful things in my life. Below is a list of things I am thankful for and even some things I miss in no particular…

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    My little girl is all grown up and is now  a wife. She has grown up to be the most amazing young woman. I am so proud of who she is. She has a heart of gold and I am blessed to have her in my heart. I am constantly amazed at Josh and how…

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    Before You Speak, Ask Yourself: Is It Kind, Is It Necessary, Is It True, Does It Improve On The Silence? Sometimes words hurt for a lifetime. No matter how hard I try to forget what he said, it hurts my heart every single day.

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    This week is Summerfest in Logan. It is filled with art, food , live music. it has been perfect weather and we have enjoyed it! we had friend COKE. It is pretty much a funnel cake that is cola flavored, then cola syrup is drizzled over the top. Then whipped cream and cherries. It is…

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    My son Scott got married 5.28.11. We are so thrilled to have Jen in our family. to see more pictures check out this link.. .

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