Skin care was my first love. The process of finding products, the using products and the results of the products. It is all enjoyable to me. Obviously ,Taking care of your skin after 50 is so important. Love your skin. Protect your skin. Your skin is your friend!
Oil of Olay Romanced Me
Basically, I had been interested in skin care since I watched my mother use her pink jar of Oil of Olay, I wanted to find what worked for my skin. Looking back, I thought it was so fancy and high end. As a little girl I remember asking her about it and her telling me she always washed her face with a bar of yellow dial soap and used moisturizer day and night. Her skin was beautiful. Wanting to be like her and I asked for the products. consider me hooked. Later, I switched to Ponds moisturizer in the jar with the blue lid..because she did. For one thing,there was not really a time I was regularly wearing makeup until I was in my 50’s. Although this meant I never needed to remove makeup at night so simple skin care worked for me.
Skin over 50 is different
Welcome to 50. Typically, skincare over 50 is different. Soon my skin became dull and lacked any signs of youth. During the joys of menopause, many things like this just happen. My age was showing through uneven texture and sun damage. I realized this, I began researching how to help my skin. Soon bar soap and jar moisturizer were not doing it anymore.
A hobby of reading everything I could about how to love skin care and products and what to use was born. Reading and scrolling social media showed that it was almost all directed at young people. Where was the no make up faces of women my age? Hmmm…I will tell you where they were…they were hiding.
Clearly, society has taught us that age is ugly and the goal is to be and look youthful. Thankfully,my daughter Taylor has taught me over the past few years that I don’t “owe” anyone youth or beauty. Certinally it is not my responsibility to make sure that I look a certain way because other people like to see young and beautiful. While that may sound simple enough, clearly it wasn’t. Well,at least not for me. BAM, this was the reminder I was needing.I love skin care.
Be you
Simply put, it is ok to be natural and imperfect. Of course we are allowed to do what makes us feel good. Follow what you want, and what you need to feel that you are being your best you. Unfiltered and all you. Allowing yourself self love is a gift that we should all receive. Treat yourself like you treat others. Take care of your skin. Truly, I promise, it pays off.
Confidence is beautiful and so are you
Do I feel young and beautiful? No. A better question is if I feel like I love myself and the skin and body I am in? Yes. It has taken a lot of work but I do feel like I am beautiful in my own, 55 year old self. People ask me all the time about my skin and my hair. This is not because it looks like I am 30 or even 40. Realistically, I think it is because I have confidence in myself for the first time in my life. Finally, I feel joy for who I am and how I look. Life is wonderful. Building your happiness is invaluable. All skincare is important. Young skin needs attention too obviously .Skin over 50 needs love. Love it. You will thank me for it. Love skin care and love yourself.
Self Love matters, a lot
Taking time for yourself every day teaches your mind that you are important. We put ourselves on the bottom of the to do list. Our mind realizes that and views ourselves as that. Taking a few minutes daily to prioritize yourself makes you slowly realize, it is ok to matter. You are not bad or selfish to care for yourself. Caring for yourself allows you to be at your best. I love caring for others. Really I always have. I had to learn to care for myself and I do now. To love myself like I love skin care.
Love skin care products
I have a youtube channel and an instagram account (thecoconutbird) that has videos showing the products I use and links to them. Please take a minute and follow me there and to see the products I use and love. I have included a few of those products here for you to see as well.
Put yourself first
Take a few moments today and find something that reminds you that you matter. Take a walk, call a friend, do what brings you joy. for me that is skin care. I hope you find some self love and implement it into your daily routine. You deserve it. You will love it. I promise. You are worth it.
3 responses to “For the love of skin care”
[…] I talk about my other skincare loves in my last post. You can read about some of the other items I use here […]
[…] You can read about my favorite skincare items here […]
[…] sunscreen user. Until very recently, I didn’t apply it to my face daily. It is now part of my morning routine Honestly, I start to look like an overcooked pot roast when I am out in the sun a lot. It is not a […]